Architecting IT..

Hey! Welcome, I'm Vikram Kadiam

I'm a Software Architect and also a Full-stack & MEAN-stack developer

Vikram Kadiam VKTechnical Architect

Hello! I'm Vikram, a software architect based in Pune, India.

Currently I live in Birmingham, UK. I work for TCS (Tata Consultancy Services Ltd) as Assistant Consultant in the role of Technical Architect, for a major automotive client in transforming their IT business by innovating and understanding their vision, for successful delivery of services.

I believe in systematic structure & order, attention to little details and discipline in quality.

Whenever I get chance I spend time on Stack Overflow answering questions.

I also write blogs on Angular Js and Eclipselink ORM @ngcoderscope.

Projects GitHub

#mybrand is a project that I've embarked on for creating a personal portfolio site showcasing my potential as a promising software architect.

Material design
Mechanical Engineering GITAM University
I did my B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) in Mechanical Engg from GITAM University.Shortly after graduating, I joined TCS as a software developer to develop and maintain web applications.Since then I never looked back! my passion for coding has been tremendous throughout my journey.
Let's talk.Ping me on Twitter or LinkedInWanna talk Tech? Liked my profile? or my site? or Just drop in to say Hi!
Tech Skills
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Angular Js Expert
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Angular Advanced
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Java/J2EE Advanced
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Javascript Expert
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Hibernate Advanced
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Eclipselink Advanced
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HTML 5 Expert
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CSS 3 Advanced
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SQL Advanced
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Spring MVC Expert
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Spring Boot Advanced
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Micro services Intermediate
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Git Intermediate
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DevOps Intermediate
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Design Patterns Advanced
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PWA Advanced
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GCP Intermediate
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RDBMS Advanced
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My SQL Advanced
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Nodejs Advanced
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Bootstrap Advanced
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JPA Expert
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Typescript Advanced
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XML/JSON Advanced
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RESTful APIs Expert
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Angular Material Expert
Work Experience
Assistant Consultant @Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Currently in the role of a Technical architect working for a major automotive client.This involves building, designing software and bringing architectural changes to the existing legacy applications and make sure their integration with other applications in the landscape runs smooth.My responsibilities include project delivery, HLD, LLD, design specification, data migration, transition steps, guiding development team, advising on business decisions/implications to the client, proposing new alternative solutions for business critical operations and bringing new business opportunities.

IT Analyst @Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
System Engineer @Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Asst System Engineer @Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
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Difference between $http .success() and .then() callback methods ng-coder-$scope

We all are aware how many core changes Angular went through from its initial 1.x version.Here is the detailed migration activity related official doc. So today I want to discuss one of the key aspect of $http, which Angular decided to remove(not literally but deprecated) from its core functionalities post 1.4.4 release. The callback methods […]

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How to call Oracle Stored Procedure in JPA 2.0 with Eclipse link 2.5 + ng-coder-$scope

Hey everyone, hope you all are doing great 🙂 It’s been a long time (actually couple of months) since I wrote any blog , sorry about that. So, on brighter side I’ve been lately working on Eclipse link  2.6.3 (previously 2.3) and JPA 2.0. It’s been challenging but yes having lot of fun working on […]

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Calling different functions in ng-change ng-coder-$scope

This post tells us how to call different functions in ng-change or any other angular directive with different approaches.

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$watch(),$digest() & $apply() ng-coder-$scope

These are the top 3 names which every Angular developer will definitely come across in the life cycle of playing with $scope or just simply say Angular Js  :p when I started learning Angular Js and implementing it these things were super alien to me. So, I initially ignored their importance and was moving on […]

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Multi checkbox directive ng-coder-$scope

So,lately I was working on different  areas of my application and suddenly  I’ve noticed something weird,there were lot’s of places where multi-checkbox template was used over and over again. This made me thinking that what if I have a common template for  multiple check-boxes which functions similar to what my app requires and can be so […]

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